As a leading manufacturer of high-quality PCB (Printed circuit board) products, Asiatech take great pride in the quality of our products and the services we offer. Our commitment to quality is reflected in our comprehensive Quality Control (QC) process, which ensure that every product meets our strict standards of excellence. We build an advanced intelligent manufacturing system and full-process traceability monitor system, allowing us to produce complex and precise PCBs to meet our clients' specific needs. Our team of experienced engineers and technicians are commiteted to ensuring that every board we produce meets our rigorous standards of quality and reliability.

Quality Control Policy(图1)


Asitech Group will be committed to investigating the supply chain in detail, to ensure that metals such as gold (AU), tantalum (TA), tungsten (W), cobalt (CO) and tin (SN) are not mined from mines in conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo or obtained through illegal smuggling through anarchic groups or illegal groups. In addition, the metals exported by the following countries do not meet the "conflict free code": the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya (the United Nations Security Council recognizes the above countries as the minerals of the Congo vein)